Christian FAQ  

Christians have many questions more than other religions seem to have, so here is the perspective for those who rightly question.

I heard that Reiki is Demonic, Witchcraft,
and or black magic?

The Bible says that Satan, comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy. (Jn 10:10, Luke 22:31, 1 Peter 5:8) Reiki helps you relax and heal, that does not fit the MO of the thief. Witchcraft, wizardry and or black magic go inline with the thief, those that practise these things in the dark, go against free will, and is done for greed or for power. Reiki is like the Holy Spirit, it will not go againt your free will. Reiki is intentioned in Love and Light. When the Pharisee accused Jesus of casting out the demons by Beelzebub, and he said a house divided against itself will not stand Mat 12:22-28

Purposed/Intentions Same or Different?

Reiki is tied to intentions, in thinking about how that fits with the Christian beliefs, I thought of Daniel, he purposed in his heart, in Daniel 1:8. In Acts 19:21 Paul Purposed in his Spirit to go to Jerusalem.In Isaiah 23:9 The Lord of hosts hath purposed it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth. Webster says To have in mind as a goal or purpose: aim, contemplate, design, intend, mean, plan, project, propose, target. So purpose and intentions are easily interchanged in the English language. So this is where you want to take the advice of Jesus in Luke 6:44 where He says you will know them by their fruit. So things done in darkness will not have love or light in the fruits.

Is Reiki A Buddist Practise?

Mikao Usui founded Reiki and he was a Buddhist, Although he had respect for all religions including Christianity.. He once lived with a Christian family and had Christian friends. Mikao Usui did not want Reiki to be a religious practice but to be a simple healing technique that anyone could use. Because of this there are no Buddhist practices in Reiki. Reiki is religiously neutral. Reiki energy comes from God,Universe, source or Creator, which is understood to be the one or Universal God. Usui did not use Spirit Guides as many in the West have added to Reiki. It is quite alright to use your faith and in the Name of Jesus, or Love and Light. It all comes from the Universe Creator Source God. 

Church Controversy Spiritual Gifts?!

I was raised Baptist, then moved to Non-Denomination, this pre-existing divide between denominations makes it hard for all to accept the gifts of healing by the laying on of hands. Now all denominations believe that you can pray for healing. So the best way I can try to tie this together is by the statement In Mat 8:1-3 Jesus put forth His hand and cleansed the Leper. And in John 14:12 Jesus said these things I do , and greater things you will do, because I go to the Father. So if Jesus did it, He expects His followers to be able to do as He did. Paul spoke about the gifts, and with these gifts he spoke about being done in Love. He does so in the chapter before and after the Love Chapter in 1 Corinthians 13. 1 Corinthians 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles,..... then gifts of healings,....... helps, governments, diversities of tongues. In 1 Corinthians 14:1 Follow after charity (Love), and desire spiritual gifts. Paul stressed that Love is the foundation for spiritual gifts.

Reiki Symbols Christians cant use symbols.

The cross, the fish, the rainbow, praying hands, the nativity scene are symbols of Christianity. People wear them, put them on gravestones, bumper stickers on cars, display them in homes, offices and even flowerbeds. The above pictured Japanese Symbol is a Word is called the Reiki Kanja, Rei means: Ray of Life or Spiritual Wisdom, ki means: Key to Life or Life energy. That is why the rice is in the pot, because food is energy. So the Key to Life or Life energy from Source, God or Christ, which is depicted in the sky that comes down to man, shown in between the Sky and the Earth the Mind, Body and Spirit, That energy is what Christians call the Holy Spirit. So it is God sending to His children energy by the Holy Spirit. Paul wrote extensively of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are ENERGY, we think of man in terms of just Flesh and Blood, yet what everyone overlooks is that everything is energy, What makes things different are the different rates of energy to create, like in Genesis when God made everything, God Said and it was with the exception of Man, Man he fashioned from the soil which He spoke into existence.that the Holy Spirit hovered over to create. Energy, energy, and energy, Then God took another step, He breathed His energy into man. So if we were created in the essence of God and His energy, it only makes sense to use energy to heal and/or correct issues in the body. So the Reiki symbols are just Japanese words, none of which have nefarious purpose as shown above in the Reiki Kanji